
Mesothelioma Settlements and Case Results

In Settlements And verdicts

A mesothelioma settlement can provide hundreds of thousands or millions in compensation for the financial and emotional toll of asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that can dramatically shorten your life. Although treatment may improve your quality of life, it is unlikely to increase your life expectancy by more than a few months. It is a devastating diagnosis that affects the whole family.

The primary cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. You may be able to file a mesothelioma lawsuit if you have a confirmed mesothelioma diagnosis and you know how you were exposed to asbestos. Our experienced mesothelioma lawyers have recovered over $360 million in compensation, including numerous multimillion-dollar mesothelioma settlements and case results. We can investigate your case, determine how you were exposed to asbestos, and recover the compensation you deserve.

Asbestos & Mesothelioma Settlements

Most successful mesothelioma lawsuits are resolved in pre-trial settlements. When you hire a mesothelioma lawyer, your lawyer will initiate a case investigation, calculate your damages, and make a written demand for full compensation from the responsible companies. Companies typically deny responsibility and refuse to pay. Your attorney will then file a lawsuit and begin settlement negotiations. Settlement negotiations may begin at any point after the defendants receive the demand letter, even before the lawsuit is filed.

Once the lawsuit is filed, your case will enter the discovery phase, which involves both sides sharing evidence. This phase can take several months. Discovery is important in settlement negotiations because defendants are more likely to settle fairly when they see that the evidence is strong enough to hold up in court.

If the defendants refuse to pay a fair settlement, your case will go to trial, where the attorney will present your evidence to a judge or jury. The outcome of a trial is known as a verdict or judgment. In civil cases, verdicts include two parts: the first part determines whether the defendant is liable, and the second part determines how much compensation the defendant owes.

Over $39

for a Boston-based victim to a talc pleurodesis procedure. The largest mesothelioma settlement in Massachussetts history.

Attorneys on the case
Over $32

for secondhand exposure against Kraft Heinz and contractor defendant Metal Masters Inc.

Attorneys on the case

against the last 3 remaining joint defendants for an asbestos-related lung cancer case in New York City.

Read more about the Petro former pipefitter asbestos case. 

Attorneys on the case
Over $18

for a California woman who used talcum powder her entire life.

Attorneys on the case
$17.5 Million

for the daughter of an insulator who worked at industrial jobsites in the Carolinas.

Attorneys on the case
$5.9 Million

for a man with talcum powder exposure whose case was rejected by another law firm.

Attorneys on the case
$5.6 Million

for a Chicago-based manager of an electrical engineering contractor.

Attorneys on the case
$5.5 Million

for a Navy boiler tender who went on to work for the power company as a civilian.

Attorneys on the case
$5 Million

for a nurse who was exposed to asbestos in junior high and high school in Los Angeles.

Attorneys on the case
$5 Million

for a podiatrist who was exposed to asbestos from ceramics and other art products in high school.

Attorneys on the case
$5.4 Million

for a journeyman pipefitter who later worked full time at a refinery in the Houston ship channel.

Attorneys on the case
$4.9 Million
Lung Cancer

for an immigrant from Mexico who worked as a home rennovator whose case was rejected by another law firm.

Attorneys on the case
$4.5 Million

for a laborer who worked around other trades at a shipyard in Baltimore.

Attorneys on the case
$4.4 Million

for a Puerto Rican Sugar Mill Mechanic and Laboratory Equipment Engineer who contracted mesothelioma from asbestos exposure; this case was initially declined by another law firm specializing in asbestos litigation.

Attorneys on the case
$4.3 Million

for secondary exposure for a wife of an owner/operator of a produce trucking company in California.

Attorneys on the case
$3.7 Million

for a Viet Nam era boiler tender in the US Navy who was based in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Attorneys on the case
$3.6 Million

for a Navy boiler tender who went on to work the boiler rooms at CIA HQ.

Attorneys on the case
$3.5 Million

for a concrete laborer from Houston, TX with very limited school education.

Attorneys on the case
$3.25 Million

for a deceased merchant marine without any known coworkers.

Attorneys on the case
$3.2 Million

For a painter/taper diagnosed with mesothelioma who had exposure to a limited number of asbestos containing building and construction products.

Attorneys on the case
$3.2 Million

for a woman who worked at a makeup counter and used talc and other cosmetics her entire life.

Attorneys on the case
$3 Million

for a Polish window installer who came to the U.S.A. in the 1990s.

Attorneys on the case
$3 Million

for a journeyman pipefitter who later worked full time at a refinery in the Houston ship channel.

Attorneys on the case
$2.9 Million

for a union pipefitter based out of Delaware.

Attorneys on the case
$2.8 Million

for a journeyman pump mechanic with exposures in the U.S.A. & U.S. Virgin Islands.

Attorneys on the case
$2.7 Million

for an engineering student from India who came to work in the U.S.

Attorneys on the case
$2.6 Million

for an Upstate NY woman who was exposed to asbestos in a variety of ways including take home from her father and husband, home renovations, and a ceramics business.

Attorneys on the case
$2.6 Million

for a machinist mate in the United States Navy.

Attorneys on the case
$2.5 Million

for a Polish cleaning lady who moved to the United States in the 1980s.

Attorneys on the case
$2.5 Million

for a financial planner who didn’t know how he was exposed to asbestos.

Attorneys on the case
$2.45 Million
Lung Cancer

for a Shipyard worker who later became an auto mechanic and subsequently developed lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

Attorneys on the case
$1.5 Million

for a Taiwanese auto mechanic who immigrated to the USA in the early 1980s.

Attorneys on the case
$1.5 Million

for a Navy machinist’s mate who went on to be a civilian maintenance mechanic and contracted mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure.

Attorneys on the case
$1.5 Million
Lung Cancer

for an 89-year-old millwright who contracted lung cancer from asbestos exposure, and whose case was initially rejected by another asbestos law firm.

Attorneys on the case
$1.3 Million
Lung Cancer

for a Georgia pipefitter who also worked in South Carolina.

Attorneys on the case
Lung Cancer

for a Navy electrician who also worked as a civilian auto mechanic.

Attorneys on the case

Key Differences Between Settlements and Verdicts

Our award-winning mesothelioma lawyers are successful trial lawyers who are always prepared to take a case to trial if necessary to win the mesothelioma compensation you deserve. However, it usually serves our clients’ best interests to obtain a settlement if possible. Mesothelioma settlements offer our clients the following benefits:

  • A faster