- Premises Liability in New Jersey: If you sustain an injury on private property in New Jersey due to hazardous conditions, you have the right to sue the property owner for proper maintenance.
- Dealing with public entities: When dealing with injuries caused by public entities such as municipalities or the state, strict rules govern the process for seeking compensation through lawsuits.
- Legal Representation: Government entities in New Jersey have the resources to defend against personal injury claims. Therefore, it’s crucial to have legal representation familiar with the Notice of Claim period and capable of strategizing for a successful lawsuit.
- Taking Initiative: Meirowitz & Wasserberg encourages individuals affected by accidents or wrongful deaths due to negligence to take action promptly. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation for personal injury or wrongful death cases related to negligence.
If you suffer an injury from hazardous conditions at a private New Jersey property, you can sue the property owner that should have properly maintained their premises. If the owner is a public entity such as a New Jersey municipality or the state, you can file for compensation, but only if you adhere to strict rules regarding your lawsuit.
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Standing Up For You
As an experienced premises claim law firm, Meirowitz & Wasserberg, LLP, stands firm on representing injured people and fighting for their right to damages. No one should suffer because of someone else’s irresponsibility or negligence, even if that someone is a government agency or city.
Defending Against Formidable Opponents
New Jersey cities and the state have the resources and commitment to defend against personal injury lawsuits, so you need a lawyer knowledgeable about the Notice of Claim period for your New Jersey case that can build a detailed strategy for your civil lawsuit’s success. With Sam N’ Dan’s experience with injury claims against the government and their commitment to you, you can rest easy that your lawsuit gets their personal attention and action.
Take Action Today
At Meirowitz & Wasserberg, we’re here to help you win what you deserve after the pain and loss of an accident or wrongful death due to negligence. Give us a call to talk about your accident with a New Jersey lawyer at 800-726-6326 or email us to receive a free, no-obligation consultation.